On March 29th, Florida wrestlend legend "The Prince of Darkness" Kevin Sullivan, will team with former WWE star The Vampire Warrior Gangrel, to face former TNA star "The VIP" Cassidy Riley and former NWA champion Steve "the Moose" Madison, in a tag team match at NWA Ring Warriors' "Battle of the Belts" event at the Fort Lauderdale National Guard Armory, 400 State Road 84, to kick off WrestleMania 28 weekend. In this video, Sullivan battles the elements to discuss his tag team partner, his opponents and his upcoming match.
For more information and tickets, priced at $25 and $20, a portion of which will benefit the Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Foundation, visit NWA Ring Warriors online at http://www.nwaringwarriors.com or connect with them through facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ringwarriors?sk=app_4949752878